
At Scantabout, much emphasis is placed on the daily teaching of mathematical skills.

We aim to encourage children to become confident explorers and users of all aspects of mathematics. We hope our children will develop a clear and thorough understanding of the number system and the knowledge and understanding to use a range of strategies to solve problems mentally and on paper.

We achieve this through the use of carefully planned teaching programmes, which focus on the individual needs of the children. In daily lessons, we aim to provide challenging learning experiences, which allow children to develop and use mental strategies, solve open-ended problems and use practical apparatus. These strategies help to foster an enquiring mind where mathematical activities are seen as a challenge rather than a chore!

The school is equipped with a wide range of resources stored both centrally and in classrooms. They include computer programs, games and practical apparatus which help all children to gain access to the curriculum.

Click on one of the links in the table below to view the calculation strategy an operation in a year group.

Year Operation Operation Operation Operation
Year 1 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Year 2 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Year 3 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Year 4 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Year 5 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Year 6 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division